Pueblo de Oro Devt. Corp. Client Name U.S. DOLLAR
Product Offer: FOREST VIEW HOMES 2 Phase JESSICA B 60
JESSICA Basic Block # Location inner CONVERSION
Broker: Lot # Lot Area (sqm) 83 47.00
Total Selling Price 1,430,600 30,438
Plus: 2.52% Misc Fees 36,051 767
Total Contract Price 1,466,651 31,205
SPOT CASH ( With Misc. Fees)
1 Reservation Fee Day 1 P 10,000 213
2 5 % Spotcash within 30 days Day 30 P 1,383,319 29,432
FOR BANK FINANCING AND PAG-IBIG FINANCING Total Selling Price 1,430,600 30,438
Plus: 5.09% Misc Fees 72,818 1,549
Total Contract Price 1,503,418 31,988
1 Reservation Fee Day 1 P 10,000 213
2.A 30% DP with 5% Discount on DP (incl of Misc Fees) Day 30 P 469,446 9,988
2.B 30% in 6 mos @ zero interest Day 30 P 82,000 1,745
3 70% Balance Due:
Bank finance 5 yrs @ 15%pa 0.023789900 P 23,824 507
1 Reservation Fee Day 1 P 10,000 213
2.A 10% DP within 30 days Day 30 P 205,878 4,380
2.B 10% DP over 36 mos @ ZEROinterest Day 30 P 5,719 122
3 90% Balance Due:
a) PAG-IBIG 10 yrs @9.5%pa 0.01293976 P 16,660 354
b) PAG-IBIG 15 yrs @9.5%pa 0.01044225 P 13,445 286
c) PAG-IBIG 20 yrs @9.5%pa 0.00932131 P 12,002 255
d)PAG-IBIG 25 yrs @9.5% pa 0.00873697 P 11,249 239
e) PAG-IBIG 30 yrs @9.5%pa 0.00840854 P 10,826 230
1. Reservation is non-refundable and non-transferable.
2. Prices shall be in effect on the date of this proposal and subject to change without prior notice.
3. Estimated loan is subject for approval by financing institution.
4. Pueblo de Oro Devt. Corp. (PODC) reserves the rights to correct figures appearing in this proposal
in the event of typographical error.
5. Miscellaneous Fee includes processing of Bank/Pag-ibig Loan and registration/transfer charges,
subject to change without prior notice.
Disclaimer :
Prices are subject to change without prior noticed .